stiff neck

When I was at school age, students got scolded for not paying decent attention to the teacher. A friend of mine got scolded for this. She was looking outside through the classroom window, to a bunch of kids doing sport. I myself once got scolded for looking at the rain. "Jadi, hujannya kenapa Thelma?" kata guru sy waktu itu dg nada tinggi. --.

Although physically we were in class, our minds and hearts are not. Okay, so my friend wanted to be near her boyfriend in the basketball field while I didn't want to hujan-hujanan the other day; but setali tiga uang, our teachers didn't appreciate that.

Anyway. It's tiresome to the muscles of the neck a.k.a tengeng, being in the position of looking religiously at something while you're supposed to be looking at the other.

It's tiresome to the heart, being in the position of wanting something else. And it looks very ungrateful.

1 komentar:

nasi goreng mengatakan...

Btw saya baru inget loh, dari sy TK-SD-SMP, yang namanya jendela tuh selalu berada di sisi kiri murid. What an amazing coicindence ya! Padahal sekolahnya beda-beda. Murid yg hobi meleng terancam gangguan tulang tuh, 9 tahun kepalanya boleh ke kiri terus. XD